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My challenges help me grow

(LB - Day 207)

First published by Mai FM

Mai Badge Medium

First relationships are a crazy ride - your brain is experiencing so many emotions for the first time, and those raging hormones mean things are often not smooth sailing. 

We asked some of the Mai whanāu to think back to their highschool heartbreaks and reflect on how they got through them, cos we all know it ain't easy. 

Bailey from Mai Nights' story might sound like a sorta silly one, but it's filled with lots of lessons about navigating big feelings and it was a small part of his journey to where he is today - killing it on the radio and in a loving relationship with his gorgeous wife. 


"When I was 16 years old, I was talking to this girl for a couple months and I really liked her," Bailey told us. 


"I went on a family trip to America and brought her back chocolates, lollies and a teddy bear to ask her out. 


Literally after I gave her the gifts, we talked for a couple days and she told me she didn't like me in that way and I was heartbroken." 




You can actually feel the rejection, eh? A couple of things to note here, though: 


  1. Good on teenage Bailey for putting himself out there! Remember, if you've ever cared for someone enough to tell them how you feel or do a nice gesture for them - that's a beautiful thing. Don't ever beat yourself up for being vulnerable and true to yourself.

  2. Well done to Bailey's crush for being honest and not mucking him around. Sorry my man, we know it hurt at the time, but she saved you pain in the long run! 

  3. When you're heartbroken, be heartbroken! Just like Bailey said. There's no point trying to pretend to be a tough guy, it's way better to own your feels. 


"My mates all thought it was hilarious but they also helped me learn to laugh at the situation and kept me surrounded with brotherly love which helped," Bailey added. 


"I can now look back at that and laugh - and so does my wife, hahaha! Ahh well, ya live and ya learn."