We believe accessibility is a fundamental human right.

Therefore, we want this website to be accessible to everyone, however you consume our content.

Love Better believes that website accessibility efforts assist everyone, and that every person has the right to access information with dignity, comfort and independence. In designing this website, we have given consideration to:

  • Transcripts for all audio content
  • Captions on all video content
  • Audio versions of all written content
  • Colour combinations with high contrast
  • Text sizes that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1)
  • Layouts that are simple and easy to follow

We won’t always get it right. And when we fall short of our own expectations, we’d love you to let us know, so we can try and put it right.

Enabling accessible mode

Additional accessibility functions, including a high-contrast mode and turning off flashing images, can be enabled by clicking the eye icon that appears on the top-right corner of the page. 

Contact us

If any part of this website isn’t working, or could be made more accessible, please contact us at lovebetter@msd.govt.nz.